Greenpeace - Help Change the World
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Join us as part of our inaugural Ethical Careers Fair for our very special guest Greenspeaker, Roisin Robertson from Greenpeace International.
Roisin will be delivering the presentation: Greenpeace - Help Change the World discussing ways individuals can contribute to change attitutes and behaviours to protect and conserve the environment and to promote peace.
She will talk about Greenpeace's key campaigns around Climate Change, Saving the Arctic, Deforestation and the Oceans and how you can get involved.
If you can't attend this talk at 2.30pm, there is another chance to catch this presentation at 12pm.

Venue : C117
Type: Campaigns & Projects
Start Date: Thursday 23-03-2017 - 14:30
End date: Thursday 23-03-2017 - 15:30
Capacity: 25
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