Student Led Teaching Awards - The Breakdown

Monday 07-02-2022 - 11:00

It's that exciting time of the year when we all start thinking about our progress and our approach for the months to come. One of the essential factors involved in maintaining our motivation up is knowing our values and appreciating the efforts involved in our success. 

As a student at Middlesex University, you can show your appreciation towards the staff members who have supported and guided you and value their formidable work. Nominating staff for a Student-Led Teaching Awards 2022 is a great chance to help us build a culture of recognition and actively improve the sense of belonging in our University.

As your Students' Union, promoting and listening to your voice is our main priority, and we want to ensure that your feelings and experiences are shouted about and we're keen to enhance the connections between staff and students, so if your nominee is shortlisted for an award, you'll also be invited to the incredible Student Led Teaching Awards Night on the 24th of March 2022.

For this year, you are able to nominate staff for the following categories: 

Academic Staff Member of the Year

This award recognises an outstanding academic/teaching staff member who has positively impacted the learning and student experience.

Professional Services Staff Member of the Year

This award recognises a member of non-teaching staff who has had a positive impact on the student experience and MDX community. This includes administration student support, library, catering, reception, MDX works, and any non-teaching role within the University.

Course of the Year

This award recognises a course or programme whose staff work collectively to provide an outstanding student experience for those studying on the course or programme.

Department of the Year

This award recognises a department whose staff work collectively to provide an outstanding student experience for those studying within the department.

Postgraduate Research Supervisor of the Year  

This award recognises a postgraduate research supervisor who has played a crucial part in postgraduate students' learning, development and overall experience.

Commitment to Student Employability Award

This award recognises the work of an individual staff member who has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to students' employability, personal and professional development. This can be a placement provider, personal tutor, lecturer, or other MDX staff member.

Accessible Education Award

This award recognises a member of staff who continuously works hard to ensure that the curriculum and their teaching is inclusive and accessible for all students.

Outstanding Feedback Award

This award recognises a member of academic staff who consistently gives high-quality feedback about students' work.

Outstanding Wellbeing & Student Support Award

This award recognises a member of staff, including personal tutors, who work hard to support students and help to promote positive mental wellbeing and care.

Innovative Teaching Award

This award recognises a member of staff who is known for doing it differently and finds new and innovative ways of teaching and supporting students.

Champion for Students Award

This award recognises a member of staff who acts as a champion for students and their voices.


Nominations Close on Sunday 9th February at midnight, so make sure you submit your nominations today!


MDXSU, School Voice Leader, SLTA

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SLTAs, Student Led Teaching Awards, Awards,

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