Category: Students Union Petition
Official Response:
Dear Kieran,
Thank you for setting up this petition.
Following the joint statement from your Student Officers and the Universtiy Vice Chancellor annoucing a committment to a No Detriment Policy we have closed this petition and moved it to the 'We Changed' section of our website.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch with our student voice team -
Students have made clear that they believe the University should adopt a ‘No Detriment’ Policy and it’s time for our Students’ Union to support us in getting the University to agree to do so.
We are well aware of the various measures that the University are putting in place to allow students to have uncapped resists, defer their assignments or have 14 day extensions. However, we do not believe this goes far enough. Students should be able to take their assignments without fear of it having a negative effect on their overall grade, we are trying to work during a pandemic with no idea when the situation will improve. Deferring assignments is not an option for everyone – we don’t want this hanging over us.
An all student referendum on the Students’ Union campaigning for a ‘No Detriment’ Policy should be triggered if this petition is signed by 1% of the student body as per the Union’s own rules.
Kieran Galvin
As a highly motivated mature student, Covid 19 has impacted my work in a practical sense (I’ve had to redesign my FMP from scratch due to unfeasibility of proceeding with my original plan) in a mental health related sense (after never missing a deadline, I’m finding it near impossible to concentrate on work) and also in the sense of devaluing the “worth” of expending energy on work that could be better spent in the community (no showcase for creative work, which has been the primary focus of the entire course, above even grades, right up until the Covid 19 outbreak) The fact that the university has thus far failed to unambiguously assure students that work submitted after being impacted by Covid 19 will not bring down an “average” grade is nothing short of disgraceful for students who have had to deal with an unprecedented change of circumstances, in what is already the most crucial part of their education. An automatic deferral does not remove these issues, it simply kicks them a couple of months down the road, carrying with it its own issues whereby the extra time may make assessors feel that there is then less impact on work produced. We want to be able to finish the course as soon as possible, with fair grades. We need assurances that work produced will only raise our grades, not negatively impact them