During your time at University, you may wish to make a complaint about the University, if something has negatively affected your experience or will because the service that was provided by Middlesex University has not been of a good standard.
The MDXSU Advice service can help you with complaints by complaint processes, advising you on how to put together a complaint and providing feedback on this, and accompanying you to meetings with the University. You can contact us at studentadvice@mdx.ac.uk, please make sure you complete the consent form at the bottom of this page before seeking advice.
You can make a complaint within 3 months following the event you wish to make a complaint about. If you are making a complaint about a series of events, you must do so within 3 months of the final event in the series.
You should first try to address the issue at the level at which it occurred (within your Faculty/within the relevant service) with the member of staff most closely involved with the event you wish to make a complaint about.
An Investigating officer will make every effort to resolve the issue swiftly, and you may be called in for a meeting as part of this. You should normally receive a written response within 28 days.
Should you not be satisfied with the outcome of Stage 1, you may complete a Stage 2 Complaints form within 21 days of receiving your Stage 1 response. Click here to access the form.
For academic programme-related complaints, submit your Stage 2 form to the Deputy Dean. For service-related complaints, submit your Stage 2 form to the head of the relevant service department.
They will let you know that they have received your complaint within 7 days, and you should normally receive a written response to your complaint within 21 days.
a.) there was an irregularity within the Stage 2 investigation or;
b.) new information, which is important in reaching a fair decision, has come up that you were not able to disclose previously for a good reason or;
c.) the decision at Stage 2 was unreasonable based on the information that you had provided;
You can request a review of the outcome of the Stage 2 investigation within 21 working days, submitting it to the Director of Student Affairs using the University Level Review Form (ULR). The receipt of your review should be acknowledged within 7 working days and you should normally be receiving a response within 21 days.
The review will be carried out by a designated Senior Manager and will consider whether the Stage 2 outcome was reasonable or whether it should be reconsidered in the light of new evidence. Remember that this is not a reopening of the original complaint, and dissatisfaction with the outcome is not a valid reason for requesting a review.